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CHS Local Academy Board

Local Advisory Board

The previously federated governing body for Cicely Haughton and Loxley Hall was dissolved on 18th September 2023 following a period of consultation with stakeholders.

The Local Advisory Board (LAB) for Cicely Haughton is now:

Chair of Governors: Mrs. Sarah Stubbs who may be contacted by emailing

Local Academy Board Members

Chair of LAB: Mrs Sarah Stubbs

Vice Chair of LAB: Mrs Sue Corfield

Clerk to the Directors: Mrs S Searle

Mr Simon Cope

Mrs Sarah Stubbs

Mr Tom Greenwood

Mr Stephen Drew

Mrs Dianne Underwood

Miss Gill Armstrong




LAB Documents:

Disclosure of Business Pecuniary Interest

LAB Members

Meeting Attendance 2021/2022

Meeting Attendance 2022/2023

Meeting Attendance 2023/2024