The aim of the nurture curriculum at Cicely Haughton School is to provide children with opportunities to address daily communication skills, friendship skills, self-awareness and self-esteem along with developing Emotional Literacy. Also to value their achievements so that they are confident to try new activities and initiate ideas. Nurture sessions are carefully planned using the children’s Boxall Profile targets and learning plans and directly linking to the children’s individual Social and Emotional areas of development from their EHCP small step targets.
Through a carefully planned timetable of 4 sessions weekly under 4 themes: Circle time, Crafts/art, Outdoor/Physical and Paired/Social children are given the opportunity to learn and practice social skills . Staff model positive relationships and provide children with a secure and predictable environment where they can learn and play together in an environment where they can trust adults to be kind, helpful and concerned about their well-being./docs/Nurture_info_/How_we_promote_SMSC_in_Nurture.docx